Postpartum Truths That No One Warns You About
Today I am sharing some postpartum truths that no one warns you about. This is for those who are currently expecting, experiencing similar things postpartum (and hoping to feel less alone), or anyone who is just curious about what postpartum life is *actually* like.
I had our first baby boy on January 17th, 2021, so I’m currently in the very early stages of postpartum. The “fourth trimester“, as some call it. I have several close friends and family members who have recently had babies and I’ve done a lot of my own research, so there were many things about this season of life that I knew I could expect. However, there are also plenty of things that I was NOT aware would happen during this time. I’m covering all of it here!
I asked my Instagram followers to share some things about postpartum that they weren’t expecting, and had to include some of those as well. I hope this post gives you a few laughs, but also makes you feel more normal / less alone about the weird sh*t you may be going through during the wild, crazy, beautiful rollercoaster ride that is postpartum.
Here we go!
Contractions don’t stop after labor.
NOPE, they don’t. This is probably the one that shocked me the most. After you birth your babe, your uterus has to shrink down from the size of like, a watermelon, back down to its pre-pregnancy size. You will experience uterine contractions as this process occurs, especially while breastfeeding and oxytocin is released.
These literally feel almost as painful as the contractions you feel during labor, but this time you can’t get an epidural, LOL. But seriously. Ouch. The pain meds they give you in the hospital help a little, but just brace yourself for these. They’re a bitch.
However, these contractions are technically a good thing, because you want the uterus to shrink back down, but they freaking HURT. They were most intense for me in the first few days after delivery while we were still in the hospital, but I guess they can last longer than that for some people. Apparently they can be more painful with subsequent births, too.
the nurses in the hospital will push on your belly a lot after birth, and it isn’t pleasant.
On that same note, if no one has told you, the nurses will push on your belly often while you are in the hospital. It is also quite painful and unpleasant. This is to help your uterus contract back down as well.
In addition, your belly will feel SO SQUISHY. It’s a bizarre feeling, especially after it has felt so firm throughout pregnancy, particularly at the end when you’re very large. Once baby is out, it feels like a deflated soccer ball or something, haha. Sooo strange. I’m 5 weeks postpartum now and it still feels very squishy. I’m sure this will be the case until I get some core strength back – eventually!
You might wake up drenched the first few weeks… or longer
Oh my gosh. The night sweats are REAL. I had no idea. Now I honestly can’t even remember if I experienced them in the hospital, but I know the first 7-10 days at home were BAD. I would wake up absolutely drenched and legitimately have to change my clothes when I got up for middle of the night feedings. Cute, I know.
Highly recommend sleeping on a bath towel in those first few weeks to spare your sheets. I have also felt a little less sweaty since putting a towel down. I thought they improved around 3 weeks, but then they came back. So just know they might come and go for a while. The severity / how long they last probably just depends on the person! I’ve had some people tell me they last for months or until you’re done breastfeeding…. YAY.
you will cry a lot in the first few weeks… sometimes for no reason
This is something I actually was informed about several times throughout my pregnancy, thankfully. A phenomenon called the “baby blues”, which is essentially feeling sad, moody, overwhelmed, crying a lot, etc. in the first two weeks or so after having your baby. It’s totally normal. Your hormones are allllll over the place, you’re sleep deprived, going through an enormous life change, and recovering from birth, among other things.
I cried a lot in the first week especially, but for me they were mostly happy tears. I was just completely overwhelmed with how much I loved our baby. I would just look at him and start crying because I felt like my heart was exploding, haha.
I felt so thankful to have him here, safe and healthy, and just couldn’t believe he was really ours. No one can prepare you for the love you feel for your baby. (Note: I know that some people don’t feel this way, though, so please do not feel guilty if you don’t feel that immediate love/bond, and know you are not alone!)
BUT ALSO. Don’t get me wrong. I had tears for other reasons too. I felt stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, scared of doing the wrong thing, frustrated with breastfeeding struggles, and more. It was NOT all rainbows over here! Sometimes I cried and couldn’t explain why.
At around 3 weeks postpartum the crying definitely decreased as we got into a rhythm, my confidence was up, breastfeeding was going much better, etc. But if I listened to a song with emotional lyrics like “Never Grow Up” or “You’re Gonna Miss This”, I would still sob, haha!
Lastly, I want to mention that postpartum depression (PPD) and anxiety (PPA) are very real and common. If you have feelings of extreme sadness/anxiety that last beyond those first few weeks, be sure to seek help. Discuss this with your partner DURING pregnancy so they know the signs to watch for.
Also know that PPD/PPA can show up later in postpartum. Some have mentioned that it happened for them after weaning from breastfeeding and having another big shift in hormones. If you’re struggling, you’re not alone. Please don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Here is a good article about postpartum depression and resources you might find helpful.
you will smell like a teenage boy and natural deodorant will not cut it
The postpartum body odor. WOOF. I feel like I actually noticed this starting to happen very late in pregnancy, but during postpartum it gets serious. You will straight up STINK.
I guess all of the hormones cause this to happen, and apparently it is one way that our bodies help the baby find their source of food. Helpful for them, unfortunate for us and everyone around us, LOL.
I quickly switched from my natural deodorant back to men’s deodorant. It was necessary. I had tons of women message me saying they experienced the same thing. (Thank God it wasn’t just me.) Some said it gets better, while others have said their scent has never been the same years later…. yikes!
Even though your hands are full and it’s hard to find a few minutes in the day sometimes, try to take at least a 3 minute shower to wash your body every day. This is therapeutic anyway!
your boobs will be out 24/7 the first few weeks (and beyond). it’s fine.
Whether your baby is cluster feeding or not, it feels like you are constantly breastfeeding in the beginning, and it’s just easier to be in minimal clothing and have your boobs ready to go at a moments notice. Just try to remember to put a shirt on if you have visitors or answer the door, lol.
We also had Rhett in nothing but a diaper most of the time because we always got him down to the diaper for feedings, did lots of skin to skin time, AND he was peeing/pooping constantly, AKA, having his diaper changed. Between all of those things, putting clothes on him seemed like a waste of time and effort in the first two weeks, lol. We would usually just cover him with a blanket in between diaper changes and feedings!
when milk comes in: engorgement, oversupply, and more
In the first few days after delivery, you will be producing colostrum, which is yellow in color and super nutrient-dense. It is SO good for baby in so many ways. Because it is so nutrient-dense, a little bit goes a long way, which is perfect because their tummies are so tiny in those first few days.
Everyone always wonders when their actual milk will come in. For me, it was about 5-6 days after Rhett was born, but everyone is different. Trust me — you’ll know when it’s in. On day 5, my boobs started to feel SUPER hard and engorgement hit. I woke up and literally felt like I had two 10 lb bowling balls on my chest and it looked like I had a great boob job, HA. The next day, they felt even bigger and heavier, and it was really uncomfortable and painful.
This period of time was super confusing and overwhelming for me. Rhett had a difficult time latching since my breasts were so hard and full (and he was still so tiny), so I was pumping and hand expressing to empty them a bit. However, pumping / stimulating them in any way can also encourage your body to produce more.
Breastfeeding is really all about supply and demand, so whether you are breastfeeding your baby or pumping, you are telling your body you need to produce milk. In a way I think pumping made things worse for me. (This was just my experience! Do what feels right for you.)
At first I didn’t feel like I had a choice but to pump, at least on my left side, because he was having trouble latching and I needed to empty it a little if he didn’t eat on the left at all. Once his latch improved and he was consistently feeding on both sides, I decided to completely stop pumping until we had things down so I could just let HIM determine my supply and tell my body how much to produce.
I watched this YouTube video from Done Naturally about the fact that the first 2-3 weeks are crucial for establishing and building your milk supply. So I really did my best to trust my body and Rhett to tell me how much he needed during that time. Thankfully I think this worked out great for us and my boobs/supply really leveled out since! The first week or so after your milk comes in is a freakin’ rollercoaster, though. If you are determined to breastfeed, push through! It will get better – I promise!
Definitely chat with a lactation consultant for guidance if you can – everyone’s situation is so different and they are the experts! I can’t tell you what it will look like for you.
breastfeeding is freaking hard and emotional
During my pregnancy, I took some breastfeeding classes, read up on breastfeeding and tried to arm myself with as much knowledge as I could. I was definitely aware that it would be difficult. I had learned that ahead of time, BUT I don’t think anything can prepare you for just HOW difficult and emotional it can be.
Like I said before, every mom/baby situation is unique, but most people are going to have some sort of struggles in the beginning. (If you don’t, you’re one of the lucky few, haha).
A lot of people told me “it’s the most unnatural natural thing you’ll ever do”, and it’s so true! Our bodies were made to do this, but there is still such a huge learning curve in the beginning. You and your baby are still learning each other. If you’re a first time mom, it’s literally the first time you’ve ever produced milk or attempted breastfeeding. You’re learning the different positions, what a proper latch “should” feel like, etc.
But once you start to figure things out and it is going well, it is so incredible. At least I think so. It truly is such a special bonding experience between you and your baby and it absolutely blows me away that our bodies are able to provide nourishment for them in this way. The female body is amazing.
I have a few “BF” highlights on my IG profile where I have saved updates on our personal breastfeeding journey as well as some tips and resources that have been helpful for me!
your nipples will take a beating in the beginning, no matter what.
Lactation consultants will tell you that breastfeeding is not supposed to be painful when you have a proper latch, and now that I am a few weeks out and things are going well, I agree with that! However, I definitely had pain, cracking, soreness, you name it, in the first week or two. Most of us aren’t used to having someone latched on our nipples for 3+ hours a day, so either way, they are going to be tender at first!
I was super thankful that they sent me home with some prescription nipple ointment, which I did use for a few days after we got home. Otherwise I just used some Earth Mama nipple butter and/or lanolin cream samples they sent me home with. Now at 4 weeks out I’m not even applying nipple cream anymore because I don’t feel like I need it. I’m not in pain, thankfully! Knock on wood… let’s hope that continues.
I shared this on my IG stories too, but there was a week or so when we were using a nipple shield on my left side due to latching issues. At first it felt like a godsend because he would NOT latch without it, and with it he would latch immediately. I was so thankful! But then we started to have some problems with it leaking, and I honestly just got tired of always needing to have it ready, cleaning it constantly, etc.
I think once my milk supply leveled out a bit, it made a big difference and we were able to move away from the nipple shield. I’m sure it was partially due to Rhett and I both getting more comfortable with BF, him getting bigger and stronger, etc. I think the main way we got off the nipple shield was just persistence! Sometimes it took several minutes to get him to latch without it, but we kept trying and trying. Eventually, he didn’t need it.
But if you are struggling with latching, a nipple shield could be worth trying! It really helped us for a short time – no shame in using one if it helps!
your love for your fur babies might change when you bring home a human
This is something I definitely wasn’t prepared for. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I love my dogs so much and they have been my babies for a long time. I experienced a TON of guilt when we came home with Rhett, because they immediately felt like a burden to me. Whenever they needed me at the same time as Rhett, or started barking or doing anything else annoying, it bothered me 100x more than it did before we brought Rhett home.
Of course I still love them, but we are definitely still adjusting and the beginning is a challenge for sure. I was relieved to hear from a lot of you that felt the same way about your fur babies when you brought home your human baby.
It’s so sad to say, but human babies make our dogs just… dogs again. I do think this will get better with time, especially once Rhett begins to show interest in the dogs and they become buddies. Until then… I’m doing my very best to be patient with them. But I’m very much struggling if I’m being honest. (At 6 weeks postpartum, this has gotten better, but still a struggle sometimes.)
It doesn’t help that Harley unexpectedly had to get ear surgery when Rhett was two weeks old and then have a cone on his head for the next two weeks (and then another 10 days about a week later), which meant he needed to be hand fed, helped up and down the stairs, all while I was attempting to care for a newborn and Ethan was back at work………. WOOF. No pun intended.
you get emotional af when baby gets a bottle because you feel like feeding them is your job
I felt SUPER sad and emotional when Ethan gave Rhett a bottle for the first time after breastfeeding was well established (we did this at the beginning of week 3, aside from the first night home from the hospital out of desperation/BF struggles). Like, I was holding back tears, haha. I didn’t expect to feel that way, but I did!
A lot of women told me they also feel sad when baby gets a bottle, BUT it’s a special experience for dad to feed them, too. It’s just hard when you feel like that is your job, ha!
After a few weeks, I felt better about this, but I still feel a little sad and also like a control freak when E or anyone is bottle feeding him. So hard to let go of the control sometimes! But overall I am thankful that he is doing well taking bottles because he won’t have a choice when he goes to daycare. *brb crying*
keep taking the stool softener. trust me.
A lot of people will scare you about the first poop after delivery. I personally didn’t have a traumatizing experience with this. My first bowel movement post-birth actually happened while I was still in the hospital and it wasn’t that bad. Maybe because I was prepared for the absolute worst haha. But they do start giving you stool softener right after delivery and that helps for sure.
You will want to continue taking these for several weeks (or months, depending on your recovery) after you get home. You might not think you need them anymore after a week or two. Trust me. You do.
Unfortunately, hemorrhoids are very common after birth and they are incredibly unpleasant. This was probably the number one thing that moms submitted when I asked about postpartum things they didn’t expect or weren’t warned about. So just a little PSA. : ) TAKE THE DANG STOOL SOFTENER.
At my 6 week check with my OB/GYN, this was honestly my main and only complaint. I never thought I’d be sharing something like this so openly… but SO many of you struggled with the same thing. So I just want you to know, I feel your pain. It’s rough. I continued to take stool softener multiple times a day and my OB recommended adding in a capful of Miralax once a day and that honestly helped SO much. Obviously, consult your own doctor!
you will bleed for weeks regardless of how you delivered.
I was surprised to learn that people who have a C-section also experience vaginal bleeding for several weeks after delivery, but now it makes total sense. Most of the bleeding that occurs afterward is from the body ridding itself of extra blood and tissue in the uterus that helped the baby grow. This bleeding is known as “lochia”.
you might think your bleeding has stopped or subsided early on. trust me – it’s not over. keep wearing the diapers.
I am currently 4 weeks postpartum and I am still having some bleeding, but it has gotten much lighter in the past week or so. After about 2.5 weeks I was able to stop wearing the adult women’s diapers, and moved down to medium sized pads, and now I’m in just panty liners and normal underwear. Everyone’s amount of bleeding will be different though! I’ve been told by some women that if you think it’s done, it probably isn’t… so keep wearing pads or liners for a while in case!
At 6 weeks out, I’m totally done, thank goodness. Well, at least I think I am!
night time anxiety is real, and common.
In the first few weeks of Rhett’s life, I could feel my anxiety slowly increasing as we got closer to night time. Overnight feedings never seemed to go as smoothly as daytime feedings, and they felt a little lonely, even though Ethan would often wake up with me / help with diaper changes, etc. I heard from a LOT of you that you also experienced a lot of anxiety in the evenings. This is also when babies tend to be more fussy (at least a lot of them!), so nights just feel stressful in comparison.
I’m happy to report that this got significantly better for me around the 3 week mark, and now at 5-6 weeks, I don’t dread evenings at all. Mostly because breastfeeding is going well now, I know what to expect for the most part, and overall I just feel more confident in my ability to handle most situations. Of course there are still some stressful things that can and do happen, and Ethan is always close by if I need him, but either way, this is so much better now!
babies are crazy loud sleepers
When Rhett was around 4-4.5 weeks old, he started to really find his voice. Not just during awake, daytime hours, but alllllll hours of the night as well, even when he was fast asleep! The first night or two this happened Ethan and I were like WTF IS GOING ON!?! Haha – some of the noises were seriously alarming. Snorts, chirps, cries, screeches, giggles; you name it.
I would hop up out of bed thinking he was ready for a feeding only to look into his bassinet and find him fast asleep. I shared this on IG and got TONS of responses from mamas who have experienced the same thing and also been freaked out by all of these sounds, haha. Apparently it’s totally normal!
Several people said they moved baby out of their room early on because of it. Everyone has to do what works for them! My goal is to keep him in our room for several months. Some people suggested moving his bassinet to the master closet if we needed a little more space but weren’t ready to totally move him to the nursery. Honestly, not a bad idea! Many also suggested ear plugs, lol! That would at least filter out the noises where he didn’t actually need us!
how your body changes during and after pregnancy is largely determined by genetics
Unfortunately, pregnant bodies are seen as beautiful and celebrated all throughout the journey, but for some reason, people expect women’s bodies to “bounce back” quickly after. Postpartum bodies don’t get celebrated nearly as much, but they absolutely should. They have done incredible things!!! Any extra skin, stretch marks, or other signs of pregnancy and/or childbirth are just proof that you’re a strong, badass mama.
Please don’t compare your postpartum body to anyone else’s, and please don’t put pressure on yourself to “lose the baby weight” within a certain amount of time. Instead, ENJOY the early months of your little one’s life and focus on them, as well as caring for yourself however you can. Enjoy the food and treats that friends and family will bring over to you without guilt.
Nourish your body with healthy foods when you can, but know that you do NOT have to be perfect, especially in those early, exhausting, sleep-deprived weeks. You’ll get back into a groove eventually and be able to prepare more healthy meals!
Also, remember that genetics are very much a thing. How your body changes during and after pregnancy is largely determined by genetics and not completely within your control, despite what people might say on social media.
Focus on self-care and how you feel > weight loss. When you feel ready and have somewhat of a routine, set some goals like meal planning a few times a week to help you be more consistent with balanced meals, exercising in whatever way feels good 3 days a week (or whatever is realistic for you, once you’re cleared of course), spending at least 5 minutes a day doing something that makes you feel good, whether that’s a quick shower, guided meditation, a face mask, getting fresh air, etc.!
Here are some others that people shared with me (some of these are things I have to look forward to in a few months, like hair loss and painful sex, HA!):
These are direct quotes from people, by the way:
- “Turns out the cramping PP gets worse with every kid.. thought I was going to die one day”
- “No one warned me about the night sweats. Omg. I legit thought I had wet the bed LOL”
- “Wasn’t prepared for night sweats. Or some days feeling like all I do is breastfeed”
- Shoulder pain is a weird but normal side effect post C-section
- You still bleed (a lot!) after a C-section
- Postpartum thyroid dysfunction. Also I bled for 8 weeks and didn’t expect that!
- How bad your back hurts from nursing and holding a baby
- The sweating!!!!
- Freakin’ night sweats
- Not being able to actually wipe! It was like something was massacred down there (LOL)
- I personally smelled bad no matter how much I showered… for 6 weeks
- Lots of talk about PPD, but I find PP anxiety more common but discussed less frequently
- The swollen vag! My hubs kept saying “it looks inside out.. it is gonna be okay?” (I’M DYING.)
- One word….. queef
- How bad the first bowel movement is.. omg!
- The hair loss!
- Hair falling out and growing back in pesky devil horns
- Exercise after baby can be embarrassing… peeing when doing any jumping!
- Blood clots from you know where that scare you
- Crying over spilled milk is totally justified if it’s breast milk
- Leaking milk while you sleep and waking up soaked, or really anytime LOL
- The insanely beautiful leftover stretch marks — AKA a beautiful reminder of the journey
- Hair loss, brain fog, emotional roller coaster
- Not being able to regular body temp! Excessive shivers to sweating
- That you need stool softeners after delivery, and everything related to pelvic floor problems
- The witching hour every single day *crying face*
- Feeling like there are air bubbles in vag for a month, even after a C-section
- Had no clue that you bleed for weeks… it’s like the period that won’t end. Even after C-section!
- Night sweats
- Definitely birthing the placenta! Hardest part of the whole thing… and I had twins!
- Clogged ducts! How to unclog them and supplements you can take to help prevent them
- Feeling extreme loneliness in the first few weeks, anxiety is normal, etc.
- So many things. Diastasis recti, no longer being able to do jumping jacks with a full bladder
- Changes in body odor
- Sweating all the time
- Hemorrhoids!
- Missing your old life and feeling guilty about it, even though you love your baby
- Postpartum anxiety
- Uterine contractions while breastfeeding
- How much pregnancy screws up your teeth
- The difference between baby blues and PP depression
- How much of a learning curve BF is
- How many calories you have to eat while BF
- Mastitis, plugged ducts, how to regulate milk supply
- What happens to your nipples when pumping/BF — swollen, painful, scabs, etc.
- How your vagina literally feels like a truck went through it
- How much sex hurts the first time PP
- Literally zero ab strength after C section
- Hair loss
- How much you suddenly don’t care if people see your boobs or not while pumping/BF
- Nips get so much more sensitive to cold after BF
- Weird hair loss/regrowth and night sweats. How much hungrier I was
- The first week lasts about 2 months and then time flies
- Hormones are insane — cried so many ties and I am not a crier
- Lived in a diaper for 6 weeks because of the bleeding. And how bad peeing burns when you have a laceration
- The weird/gross smell of lochia (the bleeding PP)
- How many diapers babies actually go through. Never ending!
- Some days feel lonely, even though you are never alone anymore. So weird.
- BF appetite!
- BF sometimes gets harder before it gets easier
- You won’t recognize yourself when you “get your body back”.
- Peeing yourself when you sneeze or cough or laugh or basically anytime
- Buy some lube LOL
- If you have an oversupply, your boobs occasionally shoot milk like a fire hose
- The cramping — holy moly
- Weight gain
- Baby blues
- How much better you feel when you take time to dress and do simple hair/makeup
- Discharge of extremely large clots
- Peri care, especially after tearing. The first poop after
- The weird feeling you have when you come home from the hospital – so many emotions
- How you should not look at your vag afterward hahaha
- Take care of those nipples! So chapped
- Vagina ice packs after delivery
- Postpartum rage
- Stitches lasting even 6 weeks pp
- Pain with sex
- It’s okay not to have immediate overwhelming love for your baby
- No sex drive, feeling alone, mom guilt
- Not feeling connected/intimate with partner after the 6 week break
- PP with a babe who stays in the hospital has its own set of nuances
- Hard to sleep when baby sleeps during the day
- The anxiety of having visitors. I felt so overwhelmed and territorial.
- Feeding choice (breast milk vs. formula) can change ALL the time and that’s OK!
- No idea how leaky boobs could be. Nursing pads always!
- Uncontrollable farts!!
- The possible 2 week pp placental scab bleeding – scared me to death!
- Your first period after baby and how awful it is
- Posture! Nerve and joint pain, sciatica issues
- All the opinions…. “just wait until”… “she’s tired/hungry”, etc.
- How obsessed you become with baby’s poop and weight gain
- Boobs out 24/7 all the time. First time I had sex with my husband I leaked milk all over!
- That you might get really sad you’re not pregnant anymore while being overjoyed your baby is here.
- That your urethra is swollen
- It hurts to sit down
- You might feel jealous of the freedom your husband has in daily life
- I kind of grieved the lost time with my husband right away
- Had no clue what “let down” was or how to tame it. Swollen feet/hands might persist
- Irrational thoughts and feeling lonely often
- Hemorrhoids don’t always happen right after giving birth and they also last for months
- Itchiness down there when stitches heal
- Dads can have PPD
- Finding time to brush your teeth can be a challenge
- Crying for no reason
- How life changing pelvic floor therapy is
- Boobs leaking when baby cries
- Losing appetite after delivery
- Sleep deprivation worse than you expect
- Mourning your old life
- How unrecognizable your body is once baby is out – my body felt so foreign
- Phantom kicks
- Insane highs where you’re happier than ever then extreme crashes when you feel like you can’t
- Sitting down after vaginal delivery hurts
- The guilt of wanting parts of you back (old body, going to work, etc.)
- Lack of time for self-care and lack of mental support
- Getting peed/pooped on while changing diapers
- The first few nights home are brutal
- Overwhelming love for your husband watching him love your child
- Feeling super annoyed at everything your husband does the first few weeks / like he isn’t doing things “right” or how you want it done
- Breast engorgement
I wanted to also share some resources for support here if you are struggling with anything like postpartum anxiety/depression, pelvic floor dysfunction, etc.
Postpartum Fitness Accounts:
- Expecting and Empowered: you can use my affiliate code WELLNESSFORTHEWIN to save on their pregnancy and postpartum workout guides. They consist of safe exercises and also include a heavy focus on pelvic floor. They have TONS of helpful content within their Instagram posts and stories too, so check them out either way! @expectingandempowered
- @kathosbern.fitrd: my friend, fellow dietitian, Pilates & Barre Instructor in KC who specializes in pre/postnatal fitness and shares safe exercises and tips for mamas
Breastfeeding, Sleep, Mom Accounts:
- @donenaturally: Summer is a lactation consultant in the Kansas City area and has been highly recommended by many!! She has a Facebook group you can join that is super supportive and helpful, as well as a YouTube channel with a ton of great, informative videos on breastfeeding. So valuable! Check her out.
- @wellrestedweeones: certified sleep coach and BF counselor, also local to KC
- @takingcarababies: probably the most popular recommendation for sleep training babes. I know not everyone likes to go this route, but she has lots of great info on her IG and blog also.
- @prenatalnutritionist: Registered Dietitian with tons of helpful content on nutrition before, during and after pregnancy!
- @karrie_locher: Postpartum RN with tons of tips on postpartum wellness, breastfeeding advice, baby care and more. TONS of great content on her page and saved to highlights. She also offers some courses.
- @doclizziedpt: Lizzie is a physical therapist and postpartum correct exercise specialist who can provide pelvic floor therapy and is also located in KC. She has tons of helpful videos / content on her page as well!
- @journeychirokc: @drjessbohlke is the chiropractor I saw throughout my pregnancy who is specialized in prenatal care and also can treat infants if you are interested in that, as well as continuing your own care postpartum! Absolutely LOVE going to Journey.
- @feedinglittles and great content on feeding babes once your little one gets a little bit older!
- @biglittlefeelings: child therapist sharing info to help with toddlers
Mental Health:
- @thecounselingco: The Counseling Collaborative is a women’s health private practice in Kansas City who can help with postpartum anxiety/depression or any other support you may need
- @wildhopekc: boutique therapy that supports women to and through motherhood. Also located in KC.
- @kateborsato: therapist and educator for women in pregnancy, postpartum and early motherhood. Kate works with the ladies at Expecting and Empowered a lot, and I always enjoy the content she shares! Check her out on IG.
If you are struggling with postpartum anxiety, depression or other mental health issues, please seek out support in your area!
I hope you enjoyed reading about some of the postpartum truths that no one warns you about, and also found some value in it! If there are any topics or resources that you think should be included, let me know!
Happy momming! : )